aka K8s (K-8 letters-s)
How to run Kubernetes workloads in systemd with Podman @RedHat: Use Kubernetes YAML with Podman template to spin up pods/containers through systemd.
Implementations, Frameworks and Distributions🔗
- k8e: Kubernetes Easy Engine
- k3s
- k0s
- Microk8s
- Minikube
- OpenShift
- Quarks
A Kubernetes Native Java stack tailored for OpenJDK HotSpot and GraalVM, crafted from the best of breed Java libraries and standards.
Control Plane🔗
- Kubernetes API:
communicate with REST interface- list components with:
kubectl api-resources
- show Kubernetes system pods:
kubectl get pods -n kube-system
- show API pod info with:
kubectl describe pod kube-api... -n kube-system
- list components with:
- etcd: open-source, highly-available key-value store - saves all data about cluster state
- scheduler: assign new pods to nodes
- controller-manager: constantly check components, e.g. pods to start a new one in case of an issue
- cloud provider API: connection to AWS, GCP, Azure, etc.
Worker Nodes🔗
- most clusters run with at least 3 worker nodes
- every node runs Kubelet, an agent ensuring pods are up and healthy, directly communicating with API
- container runtime interface (CRI): used by Kubelet to create containers
- Containerd
- Kata Containers
- AWS Firecracker
- Docker container engine removed in v1.24 (Dockershim), but images can be run
- Kube-proxy: communication between pods and services, direct connection to API
- ClusterIP: expose cluster-internal IP addresses
- LoadBalancer
- NodePort: expose node IP addresses at static ports
- Resource management
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--- apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: frontend spec: containers: - name: app image: images.my-company.example/app:v4 resources: requests: memory: "64Mi" cpu: "250m" limits: memory: "128Mi" cpu: "500m"
- Deployment: replicas, no-downtime upgrades
- DaemonSet: one pod per node, e.g. background processes collecting metrics
- Jobs: one ore more pods, run until completion, then deletes pod
- database outside of cluster, e.g. SQL with cloud providers offering connections
- Kubernetes Persistent Volumes: within cluster, objects called statefulSets can be used
Some container best practices
- unprivileged containers
- read-only root filesystem
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- Snyk: scan IaC files, including Kubernetes manifests
- US NSA Kubernetes hardening guide
- Konveyor
The Konveyor community helps modernize applications by providing open source tools to rehost, replatform, and refactor applications to Kubernetes and cloud-native technologies.
package manager for Kubernetes
Compose specification: Compose file format used to define multi-containers applications
- Canoncial: Kubernetes at the edge #dev/iot #dev/edge
- Guide/Blog FaaS cluster on RPi’s with Kubernetes
- training and certification
- Linux Foundation
- Linux Foundation: Introduction to Kubernetes (LFS158): free introduction course 15-20h course material, hands-on & assignments, …
- Kubernetes and Cloud Native Associate exam
- Certified Kubernetes Application Developer exam
- Certified Kubernetes Administrator exam
- Linux Foundation